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Food Ingredients

Healthier ingredients for tastier food

We offer top-quality mineral salts of exceptional purity to meet the stringent requirements imposed in food industry.
bowl of salt
Our salts are important food additives for food manufacturers. Sodium Chloride (table salt) is most well known as a food preservative and flavoring agent. But salt also plays other, lesser-known roles in the food we eat. Salt is an essential nutrient, providing flavor, texture, enhancing color and extending shelf life. For these reasons, salt is widely used in food production, which is why the sodium content of processed foods is so high.

We provide a range of salt (sodium) replacers which generally provide comparable flavor and texture. Besides, our salt replacers offer a broader range of nutrients and therefore enhance a more balanced nutrition.

Carrageenan (red seaweed) is used as a gelling and stabilising agent in dairy products, marinated meats and beverages. Our Saltosil-K increases the gelling strength when added to carrageenan.

Health and physical fitness are becoming increasingly important for consumers. These both depend on correct nutrition in order to improve overall performance. We supply the key minerals used for sports food such as energy bars and isotonic sports drinks.

Based on current scientific knowledge, we develop, in close cooperation with our customers, innovative products such as food supplements and dietary products. We are your partner in all aspects of healthy, salt-based food ingredients.

Food Ingredients

Low-Sodium Solutions


Food Additives