Animal Feed & Pet food/care
We care about healthy animal nutrition
Animal nutrition is subject to very high quality standards. The main objective of animal feed is to ensure feeding of livestock with high-quality nutrients and active ingredients and thereby promote the animals' health, well-being and productivity.
We make sure that the animals can receive exactly the nutrients they need in order to maintain an excellent health and achieve a high performance.

Our company is clearly focussed on producers of premixes, pet food and pet care products as these manufacturers need additional minerals for a balanced animal nutrition. Our competence lies in understanding the feed production process and selecting the right ingredients to ensure nutritional claims are met with minimal impact on final formulation. This includes the maintenance of these properties until the end of shelf life. Thanks to our various grades of mineral salts, we provide the most suitable products to create a mix with uniform size and crystal shape. We are certified by GMP+ and QS for animal feed.
- Sodium Chloride, feed
- Sodium Carbonate, feed
- Sodium Bicarbonate, feed
- Sodium Bisulphate, feed
- DiSodium Phosphate, feed
- Saltosil-K Potassium Chloride, feed
- Saltosil-KC, Potassium Carbonate, 99%, feed
- MonoCalcium Phosphate (MCP), feed
- DiCalcium Phosphate (DCP), powder, feed
- Calcium Sodium Phosphate, feed
- Calcium Carbonate (PCC), superfine, high purity, feed
- Saltosil-MgS, Magnesium Sulphate Anhydrous, feed
- Saltosil-MgS, Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate, feed
- Saltosil-MgO, Magnesium Oxide, feed
- Cholin Chloride, 25%, feed
- Cholin Chloride, 60%, feed
- Cholin Chloride, liquid, 70%, feed